Market Landscape

The current environment for firms operating in financial services/ mortgage/consumer lending/servicing industries is one of the most challenging in recent history. Increased regulatory burdens and uncertainty, enormous pressures from oversight agencies, and a confluence of economic factors have made lending/servicing and in the housing market, along with the provision of affordable homes exceedingly difficult. For first-time homebuyers and underserved borrowers, the market is struggling to provide options. At the same time, there is opportunity for innovative firms to step up the challenges ahead. As the industry forges ahead and transforms, with new technologies driving change, it requires a deep knowledge of the markets, the policy and regulatory environment in which we operate, and the perspective and relationships necessary to navigate the difficult water ahead. Gate House Strategies is here to navigate difficult waters.

Regulator, Investor, Insurer and Marketing Resources

Our clients in the financial services and mortgage lending/servicing industries must navigate an array of federal, state, and local regulations, the overnight of the DOJ, CFPB, FDIC, and other agencies, and guidelines established by the GSEs, HUD/FHA/Ginnie Mae, VA, and USDA.
See the Gate House Compliance Market Landscape page for more information and resources related to to consumer protection and fair lending/servicing.